Any customer may download and install a minor release or hot fix release if licensed for the same major release version. Releases designated as a major release may be installed by customers who have a current Basic, Standard, Gold, or Platinum Support and Maintenance subscription and may require the issuance of a new license key by ScaleOut Software.
Download files include all software required for ScaleOut StateServer®, ScaleOut StreamServer®, ScaleOut StateServer® Pro, ScaleOut SessionServer™, ScaleOut GeoServer® DR/Pro, ScaleOut In-Memory Database™, and the ScaleOut Remote Client Option. License keys are encoded to authorize the use of each specific product or option.
Download files for ScaleOut Digital Twins™ can be found at Developer Downloads on our ScaleOut Digital Twins site.
Starting with version 5.1, ScaleOut software is licensed on a “Server Unit License” (SUL) basis. To ensure a smooth 5.1 installation process we recommend that you obtain an updated license key from us. Contact Us to request a new key.
Maintenance releases for prior versions can be found here.