ScaleOut Remote Client Option

  • Optimize your ScaleOut deployment’s connectivity.
  • Decouple grid servers from web and application servers.

Run Grid and Web/Application Servers Independently for Maximum Flexibility

ScaleOut Remote Client enables the decoupling of ScaleOut grid servers from a tier of web or application servers. This allows different hardware configurations and management procedures for separate server tiers, increasing performance and minimizing costs while maintaining secure access to the in-memory data grid.

Provision your cluster of IMDG servers with large memory and fast networking for top performance.

Compatible with all ScaleOut products, including ScaleOut StateServer, ScaleOut SessionServer, ScaleOut StateServer Pro, and ScaleOut hServer.

Independently manage web/application and IMDG server tiers for maximum uptime.

Securely communicates with ScaleOut’s in-memory data grid using optional secure socket connections.

Transparently Connect to the Grid

The ScaleOut Remote Client option uses TCP connections and optional secure sockets (SSL) to connect client applications with ScaleOut’s in-memory data grid (IMDG). It ensures that client applications always can connect to the grid even if one or more grid servers are offline. It also automatically tracks the status of the IMDG and directs each client request to the grid server that can most efficiently handle that request.

ScaleOut Remote Client

Using ScaleOut Remote Client to Connect to ScaleOut StateServer

Once a remote client initially has been configured with a list of gateway addresses for the grid servers, ScaleOut Remote Client automatically tries all gateways as necessary to establish connectivity with the IMDG. It then downloads up-to-date information on the membership and status of the grid, including details on where objects within the grid are load-balanced. This information is refreshed whenever the grid’s status changes, enabling ScaleOut Remote Client to direct access requests to the optimal grid server at all times.

Fast Access and Always Connected

To maximize performance, ScaleOut Remote Client uses multiple TCP connections to connect to each grid server. It also incorporates a configurable, client-side cache for deserialized, recently accessed objects. This cache dramatically lowers access times for slowly changing data by avoiding unnecessary network data transfers and object deserialization; this also reduces both network and CPU usage.

If a grid server should fail or be taken offline, ScaleOut Remote Client ensures that client applications and management tools maintain connectivity with alternative IMDG servers. Likewise, when a new grid server is added, it automatically detects the new server and communicates with it. All of these actions are performed automatically and require no intervention by client applications.

Decouple Resources Used by Grid and Web/Application Servers

The ScaleOut Remote Client option adds a new level of flexibility to your deployment of ScaleOut’s in-memory data grid. Now the grid can be deployed on a separate server cluster with its own dedicated hardware resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. Applications no longer have to compete with grid service processes for resources, and the grid can be independently provisioned to deliver the best combination of performance and cost-effectiveness.

For example, a very large web server farm might generate a huge access load that consumes significant CPU and memory. By running the IMDG on a separate server cluster, the web application maintains full use of these resources and does not compete with the IMDG’s service processes. Also, in this scenario, the IMDG may be able to deliver higher performance at lower cost by running on a smaller cluster with a faster, dedicated 10 Gbps network. Scaleout Remote Client opens up countless new deployment options for balancing performance and cost.

Simplified Management

Decoupling the web/application and grid server tiers also lets IT administrators manage them independently and avoid unnecessary disruption to operations. For example, web servers can be “bounced” periodically to handle exceptional situations while grid servers remain unaffected. Software updates can be applied to stateless web/application servers at any time while care is taken to avoid disrupting grid operations until scheduled downtimes.

Decoupling server tiers is especially useful in virtualized environments which routinely migrate virtual servers among physical servers to minimize cost of operations. Decoupling allows virtual grid servers to be managed separately so that they always run different physical servers for high availability and are not disrupted by virtual server migration unless absolutely necessary.

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